PASSION is the single most important key to any success. If you want to be successful in anything you pursue, you’ve got to love what you’re after. Without passion, nothing you do is going to bring any results at all.
There are a lot of successful people out there, they are all passionate in what they do. Michael Jordan loves basketball, Tiger Woods loves golf, Bill Gates loves software and Warren Buffett loves investing.
Everyone of them love what they do and that’s why they can create amazing results in their pursuit. The moment you are doing something that you love, you are not “working” any more, instead, you are “enjoying” the fun of doing it.
You’ll feel that you’ve the drive and motivation that can keep you energetic and going all the time. And when you do something passionately and with enthusiasm, you’ll achieve what you want. But before that, you have to “ACTIVATE” yourself first, get yourself “ENTHUSIASTIC”. The word “ACTIVATE” here means to MOTIVATE, DRIVE and INSPIRE.
One of the millionaires’ habits is “Love what you do, have passion for it.”
Below are 3 simple steps how you can develop the power of enthusiasm and your passion in Forex trend trading:
1. Dig it deeper
Dig deeper into Forex trend trading, the deeper you dig, the more you’ll find out how rewarding and fulfilling it can be; and the more you appreciate how it can help you, e.g. achieving your financial freedom, relieving yourself from the rat race, avoiding the fierce competitiveness of business world, etc., the more you’ll fall in love with it. So dig deeper, get to know more about Forex trend trading and its potentials and you’ll develop enthusiasm.
2. Give it a life
Enthusiasm or lack of it, shows through in everything you say and do. Life up your handshake. When you shake your hand, make your handclasp and say “I’m glad to know you”. Successful people’s handshakes are firm and filled with passion.
It is just like when you smile, give it a life, life up your smile. Nobody likes an artificial, pasted-on smile. People go along with those who believe what they say and do. Say and do with life. Put vitality into your Forex trading, put enthusiasm behind what you do.
3. Spread good news
When someone burst in and suddenly said, “I’ve got good news!” Immediately you’ll feel energetic and he will get 100% of your attention. Good news does more than getting attention, good news pleases people. Good news develops enthusiasm as well. No one ever won a friend, no one ever made money, and no one ever accomplished anything by spreading bad news.
Be an “I-feel-great” person all the time. Just say “I feel great” at every possible opportunity and you’ll feel better. When you tell people you are awful, you’ll feel awful eventually. Spread with passion about the positive things and goodness about Forex trend trading to the people you like to help, tell them how it can help solve their financial problems and enjoy uncommon freedom if they’ve learnt to master the investment skills.
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